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Next session: Wednesday 12th February 6:15pm • Zoom • email to reserve a place

Live Session

Music & Wellbeing

with Karen & Georgie

Zoom Session • £20*

*free place for Ko-fi subscribers (subject to availability)

What is a Music & Wellbeing session?

A monthly 45 minute wellbeing adventure combining the principles of sound healing with music facilitation (max. 8 places)


Each session will follow the same structure, but be very much led by you:


Welcome & Hello

Feelings check-in with each participant

Sound-making and intoning

Multi-sensory time encouraging movement and listening

Final feelings check-in





"Thank you so much for last night's session. W slept like a log after taking part, he was so vocal and engaged in the session it was lovely to see. 
Watching him close his eyes and fall asleep whilst being sang good night was such a special moment."


"Thank you so much for such a lovely session. You both are really amazing how you get it right every time. You really tune into them on such an individual level. So nice to see M have a little reprieve and for her body and mind to have a much needed rest."
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